Big Names, Small Art is one of the most popular events of the Art Auction season! This virtual auction features hundreds of small artworks (12 x12 in. or less) in all media. Bidding starts at $25 per piece regardless of fair market value. BNSA ends Saturday, June 4, with one artwork closing every minute starting at 1 PM.
Discover small works from emerging artists and some of the biggest names in the region and beyond, and grow your personal art collection while supporting the Crocker Art Museum.
Big Names, Small Art Artists
Thank you to the following artists for participating in the BNSA auction!
♦ Denotes artists represented in the Crocker’s permanent collection
* Denotes artists who also donated work to the Silent or Live Art Auctions
Mark Abildgaard ♦ *
Sam Barbar
Rita Bartel
Marilyn Baskerville
Matthew Becher
Diane Bertsch
Rhony Bhopla
Mark Bowles ♦ *
Linda Brandenburger
Marc Cardinet
Teresa Carle
Marcia Cary
Sompol Chatusripitak
Peter Combe ♦
Charlotte Cooper
Thomas Cory
Mary Czechan Coldren
Anne Dasch
Velma Davidson
Sandy Delehanty ♦ *
Julie Didion
Keaton Dougherty
Terry Dougherty
Richard Duning ♦ *
Jerry Egan
Karen Fenley
Laura Ferlin
Nancy Fischer
Vicki Foote
Don Fritz ♦
Bud Gordon
Lena Gordon
Teresa Granby
Penny S. Hanscom
Dwight Head
Todd H. Head
Bill Henry
Jenell Hernandez
Diane Hill
Lori Ingle
Carolynn Jarrett
Mary Bryte Johnson
Daniel Jordan
Erin Kaczkowski
Lee Kendall
Sara Kennedy *
Chris Kleckner
Tim Lazer
Kathryn Lee
Joan Leineke
Susan Levitsky
Joann Lindelof *
Franca Lingren
Emma Luna ♦ *
Margaret Mackenzie
Pat Mahony ♦ *
Jeannie Majewski
Melissa Marquez
Kevin McGovern
Sheila Mendoza
Roy Michel
Ashley Mills
Tracy Milner
Jennifer Mora
Frances Morgan
Miriam Morris
Carol Mott-Binkley *
Barbara Nilsson
Garrett Nyland
Jack Ogden ♦
Adele Ohs
Bill Petersen
Ann Privateer
Sam Radetsky
Marion Randall
Ann Reich
Jeanne Reisman
Bonita Richardson
Ellie Rosen
Pam Saltenberger
Will Shuck
Susan Simmons
Robyn Slakey
John Smith
Marcia Smith
Michael Smith
Noni Smith
Chris Stevens
Mary Swisher ♦ *
Jennifer Tachera
Roger Thibault
Ken Waterstreet ♦ *
Tom Winnett
Judy Yemma
Donald Yost
William Youngblood
Jeanne Yuen-Gong