Other Ways to Give
Stock Donations
To make a transfer of stock, bonds, or mutual funds please use the Stock Transfer Form. Additionally, please provide the Museum with stock information (i.e. name of donor, name of stock, etc.).
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) are set up by individuals to provide them with income during retirement. To learn more about the benefits of using your IRA to make a contribution to the Museum, please see the attached: Individual Retirement Accounts Guide.
Employer Matching Gifts
Many employers will double your contribution to the Crocker by matching your contribution dollar for dollar. To set up a matching gift, please contact your company's Personnel, Human Resources, or Community Relations Department.
If you have already sent in your payment, you may submit your matching gift form at any time during the course of your membership year.
For more information on Stock Donations, Individual Retirement Accounts, or Employer Matching gifts, please contact Chanel Jennings at cjennings@crockerart.org or (916) 808-6370.