Between 1880 and 1910, Paris was a breeding ground for artistic and literary movements that came to define a shifting, complex society. Modernity took various forms, including the work of the Naturalists, the Symbolists, the Incohérents and the Nabis, but the art of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901) epitomized the new tendencies. With his art as a central focus, this exhibition investigates a generation of artists who sought to shake the constraints of French Academic standards. A special focus is the intoxicating gathering of artists, writers, performers, and musicians in Montmartre, where everyone from Toulouse-Lautrec—whose style and subjects embody the times—to Sarah Bernhardt and Paul Verlaine worked amid the swirl of cafés, concerts, circuses, and theatres.
This exhibition is organized and circulated by Art Services International, Alexandria, Virginia.
Additional Sponsors:
Norma Allison
Melza and Ted Barr
Linda Brandenburger
Susie and Jim Burton
Cannady-Ford Family Fund of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Susan K. Edling
Marcy Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gaines
Sue S. Garcia
Dorothy and Norm Lien
The James and Susan McClatchy Fund of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation
Ellen Sherman
Sandy Burton Yasso and Jim Yasso